Purchase Tickets to Our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration on November 5, 2022!


Your Contributions At Work

Overall, donor contributions are essential for the survival and success of Miles of Freedom. By supporting financially, donors play a critical role in advancing social change, promoting equity, and improving the well-being of individuals and communities.

Financial Support: Donor contributions provide Miles of Freedom with the necessary funds to cover operational expenses such as rent, utilities, salaries, and administrative costs. This financial support allows us to focus on our mission and deliver services effectively.

Program Expansion: With donor contributions, Miles of Freedom can expand existing programs or develop new initiatives to address emerging needs within their communities. These funds enable nonprofits to reach more people, offer additional services, and make a greater impact.

Capacity Building: Donor contributions can be used for capacity-building activities such as staff training, infrastructure improvements, and technology upgrades. These investments help us operate more efficiently, increase our effectiveness, and enhance our long-term sustainability.

Advocacy and Awareness: Donor contributions support us in raising awareness about the criminal justice system, advocating for policy changes, and mobilizing communities to take action. These funds enable Miles of Freedom to conduct public education campaigns, organize events, and engage in grassroots organizing efforts.

Long-Term Sustainability: Donor contributions contribute to the long-term sustainability of Miles of Freedom by diversifying our funding sources and reducing reliance on grants or contracts. This financial stability enables Miles of Freedom to weather economic downturns, fluctuations in funding, and other challenges.

Scan the QR Code to make a donation.

  • $250 – Supports case management services for the average life cycle of one typical client
  • $500- Purchases 140 bus passes for transportation to doctor’s appointments, job interviews, and employment
  • $2000– Purchases supplies for the MLK Food Distribution for 1 Quarter
  • $5000– Provides Job Readiness workshops for 1 year
  • $15,000– Supports 1 Quarter of Transition to Employment work stipends for up to 10 participants.