Purchase tickets to Miles of Freedom’s 12th Year Celebration on November 2, 2024, at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel.
The deadline to purchase tickets is October 28, 2024.
Individual Tickets
Select your tickets below.
Can’t attend but would still like to support? Consider purchasing a Freedom Ticket for a Miles of Freedom client who might otherwise not be able to attend.
Payment by check is also available. Please mail checks to:
Miles of Freedom, 2922 MLK, Jr. Blvd., Ste. 104, Dallas, TX 75215
Sponsorship Opportunities
Click here to download our Sponsorship Package.
The deadline for sponsorships is October 28, 2024.
For more information about sponsorships, please contact Eleanor Doty at 214-290-2337 ext. 203, or send an email to MOFCelebration@milesoffreedom.org.
The Aubrey Lewis Jones Service Award honors the late Mr. Aubrey Jones, Co-Founder of Miles of Freedom, who dedicated his life to improving conditions for individuals, families, and communities impacted by incarceration.