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Mental Health Behind Bars: Understanding the Intersection of Incarceration and Mental Wellness In the realm of criminal justice, there exists a significant but often overlooked issue: the intersection of mental health and incarceration. Mental health challenges affect millions of individuals worldwide, and sadly, many find themselves caught up in the criminal justice system due to...
The Honorable Bruce M. Wright: Championing Fairness in a System Skewed by Bias Think of the American criminal justice system as a complicated computer program. It takes in information (inputs) and produces results (outputs). But here’s the problem: this system isn’t always fair. For people of color, there’s a built-in bias that often leads to...
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Innocence Regained: Miles of Freedom on Wrongful Conviction Day Imagine spending years, even decades, behind bars for a crime you did not commit. Now, picture being granted a second chance at life, your innocence, finally proven. For numerous individuals wrongfully convicted, this nightmarish scenario is a grim and painful reality. Wrongful Conviction Day, observed on...
Imagine taking a step towards freedom after serving time behind bars, only to find yourself wrestling with a different kind of prison—food insecurity. For individuals returning home from prison, the struggle for reintegration is often compounded by the hidden challenge of not having consistent access to nutritious food. What is Food Insecurity? Food insecurity refers...
For individuals who have been incarcerated, re-entry into society can be an overwhelming experience. The stigma of having a criminal record can limit employment opportunities and access to housing, while the social isolation that often accompanies imprisonment can make it difficult to rebuild relationships with family and friends. Miles of Freedom’s Driver’s License Clinic Miles...
Everyone deserves a second chance, especially those who have paid their debt to society. Giving someone a second chance not only benefits them, but it also benefits society as a whole by reducing recidivism and promoting rehabilitation. What is Second Chance Month? Second Chance Month is an initiative that seeks to raise awareness about the...
What is House Bill 1064? Texas ranks second in incarceration rates in the U.S.; 120,000+ imprisoned or 4 out of 1,000 people. With House Bill 1064, many of these individuals would be eligible for an earlier release. House Bill 1064 is an act relating to the award of good conduct time to certain inmates, changing...
Mass Incarceration in Texas Mass incarceration refers to the large-scale imprisonment of individuals, often characterized by high rates of imprisonment and a large prison population. As of 2020, Texas had an estimated 120,000 people incarcerated in its prison system. This places Texas second in prison populations in the United States. According to the Texas Department...
Via North Texas Food Bank READ ORIGINAL STORY: https://ntfb.org/blog-miles-of-freedom/ This Black History Month, the North Texas Food Bank is proudly celebrating Black individuals and groups who do tremendous work to help us in our fight against hunger. This includes neighbors, staff, volunteers and our Feeding Partners, who we work alongside with to ensure that we provide...
2022 Annual Impact Report Miles of Freedom is dedicated in its mission to empower, equip and educate individuals, families and communities impacted by incarceration. The work that MOF does to help individuals and families gain access to financial stability and succeed in the community is essential in creating a fairer and more equitable Dallas. We...
Is your driver’s license suspended?   Join us for a free legal clinic in Dallas to get information and advice about steps to take to address ticket-related court debt and get your driver’s license back.   Thursday, February 16, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at Miles of Freedom, located at the MLK, Jr....
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Recent Articles

The Honorable Bruce M. Wright: Championing Fairness in a System Skewed by Bias
February 23, 2024
Season’s Greetings!
December 12, 2023
Innocence Regained: Miles of Freedom on Wrongful Conviction Day
October 2, 2023

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