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Breaking Down Barriers to Re-entry: How Miles of Freedom Helps Individuals Regain Independence with a License

For individuals who have been incarcerated, re-entry into society can be an overwhelming experience. The stigma of having a criminal record can limit employment opportunities and access to housing, while the social isolation that often accompanies imprisonment can make it difficult to rebuild relationships with family and friends.

Miles of Freedom’s Driver’s License Clinic

Miles of Freedom is hosting a free driver’s license clinic to help formerly incarcerated people get their licenses back. The clinic will be held on May 18th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the MLK, Jr. Community Center in the heart of Dallas, TX (South Dallas).

Barriers to Efficient Re-entry

One of the most significant barriers to re-entry, however, is the lack of a valid driver’s license. Without this essential form of identification, individuals face numerous challenges, including:

  • difficulties in finding employment
  • accessing healthcare
  • transportation
  • participating in civic life

Miles of Freedom seeks to break down these barriers by helping formerly incarcerated individuals obtain driver’s licenses and regain their independence.

The Miles of Freedom Driver’s License Clinic will provide the information and assistance people need to get their licenses back. The Texas Fair Defense Project will be on hand to answer questions about driver’s license reinstatement and help individuals complete the necessary paperwork.

Many people have their licenses suspended or revoked due to unpaid fines, fees, or court costs. This can make it difficult for individuals to reintegrate into society and rebuild their lives. The process of obtaining a driver’s license or state ID can be time-consuming and expensive, requiring multiple forms of identification and documentation, which can be difficult for individuals who lack access to resources or support. This hinders individuals from obtaining gainful employment and increases chances of recidivism.

Who is the Texas Fair Defense Project?

Miles of Freedom will be accompanied by the Texas Fair Defense Project to facilitate this important community event. The Texas Fair Defense Project (TFDP) is a non-profit organization that provides legal services to individuals who cannot afford an attorney in criminal cases in Texas. TFDP also works to reform the criminal legal system in Texas to make it more fair and just.

Miles of Freedom’s Re-entry Services

Miles of Freedom offers a variety of reentry services, including:

  • Case management: Case managers help participants navigate the complex system of re-entry and connect them with the resources they need to succeed.
  • Job readiness training: Job readiness training helps participants develop the skills and confidence they need to find and keep a job.
  • Transition to employment: Transition to employment programs provide participants with paid work experience and help them find full-time employment.
  • Family support: Miles of Freedom provides support to families of formerly incarcerated individuals, helping them cope with the challenges of re-entry and stay connected to their loved ones.

For more information about the clinic or Miles of Freedom, give us a call at 214-290-2337.



My name is Christopher Moorer II; Owner of Make The Healthy Choice. I am an experienced content writer, web designer, graphic designer, and digital marketer that has spent time incarcerated. I hold a degree from the University of North Texas at Dallas in Public Health. I know firsthand the difficulties of trying to rebuild your life after facing such adversity. Find your “Why” and refuse to let your past define you. Instead, use it as motivation to pursue your passions and make a better life for yourself.

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